Saturday, September 24, 2011

My Liver Disease

Hi Everyone, it's Penny here. I have been a little too busy to blog lately. I had a bad weekend last weekend, I got really sick with a bad bout of my liver disease problems. My mom and dad took me to the vet this week twice! I don't like to go to the vet, but my mom says I have to because the vet will make me feel better! They did an ultrasound on my belly and are suspecting that I have a liver shunt again, ugh! I have to take lots of medicine now, which is kind of yucky. I will be going back to the vet in a few weeks to have my liver enzymes checked again. The vet will tell us then what he suggests for making me the healthiest at that time!

One good thing though is that mom has been making me all sorts of special foods! I got to eat cod fillet twice this week and tonight I got to have macaroni with tofu cooked in chicken broth with garlic! She reads a book that tells her all about the best natural foods that will help heal my liver. Okay, I better get back to watching animal planet, talk to you soon!


Penny Jane